Archives News

Horror News: July 22, 2015

I’m going to try to make this a regular feature here, but that’s only if I can keep the demons at bay.  The plan is to just kind of talk about some news in the horror community.  I probably won’t just start making stuff up.

I know I’m a little late on this, but Paul Feig released a cast photo of the Ghostbusters reboot.  Let me just take a look and…

hw news - ghostbustersHOLY SHIT!  They nailed it.  It’s perfect.  Goddamn perfection right there.  Look at the Ecto-1. It’s perfect and beautiful.
Look at Kate McKinnon.  Mind-blowingly perfect.

hw news - ghostbusters egonShe’s cartoon Egon and I love everything.

Pacific Rim 2
Rumor has it, this begins shooting in November.  In preparation, I will be watching Pacific Rim every day until the sequel comes out.  Maybe just the fight scenes.  Maybe all of it.  I’m a complicated person.

Michael Dougherty made Trick R Treat and that movie kicks ass.  So much ass.  It’s filled with terrible people doing terrible things, but I love it all the same.  His latest movie, Krampus, will be released on December 4th, and the poster is amazing.

hw news - krampus posterIt stars Adam Scott, Toni Collette, David Koechner and Allison Tolman, and it is already guaranteed to be on my “rewatch every Christmas” list.
It’s worth noting that The Mystic Party’s podcast with Krampus is one of the funniest things I have ever heard.

Dead 7
Nick Carter – Nick FUCKING Carter – is working on a script for Asylum, described as “zombie western futurific horror”, because he spilled his bowl of Alpha-Bits and that’s what the letters spelled.  Joey Fatone and other people from N’Sync/Backstreet Boys/New Kids On the Block/One Direction/2gether may be joining the cast.  Or maybe they won’t.  I’m not a mind reader.
I assume Alpha-Bits are still a thing.

Sinister 2
Remember how Sinister was good?  Besides about 5 minutes in the middle where kids were doing goddamn ballet in the house, and the very end where Bagul screamed “JUMP SCARE” at the screen, I mean.  Well, I finally watched the trailer for Sinister 2 and can confidently say that it will be dogshit.

They took the best parts of the original and said, “You know what? Needs more Bagul jumping around and shit.”

The Green Inferno
Eli Roth’s cannibal movie finally got distribution.  Now it’s gone.  Now it’s back on.  Now it’s gone again.  Just call me when it shows up out of the blue.  I’m too tired be tracking all of these movements.
On the plus side, season 3 of Hemlock Grove is coming next year.
Not really a plus side, I guess.  That show is terrible.

The Town That Dreaded Sundown
The DVD for the remake finally got released.  If you want the Blu Ray, you’ll have to go to Best Buy, as that’s the only place you can get it until September 8.  My point is, buy this movie please.

When the remake of Poltergeist comes out on DVD in September, one of the features will be an extended cut of the movie.  If it’s anything other than 30 minutes of Sam Rockwell dancing with ghosts, I’m not interested.



That’ll do it for now.  Stay scary.

Archives Movie Reviews Posts

31 Days of Horror Day 2: Ghostbusters


I swear not all of my picks will be mid-to-late 80s horror comedy.  But it’s still early in October.  It’s still a little warm outside.  We have to ease into Halloween season.

Like The Burbs, this is another film from that era that holds up remarkably well.  It’s still really funny, and there are some great looking ghosts (one of my personal favorites has always been the cab driver who immediately starts swerving into traffic.  Although, to be perfectly honest, that cabbie scared the crap out of me as a kid).

Ghostbusters Cab Driver

There’s a reason this is still considered a classic.  So kick back with some donuts…

Ghostbusters Donuts


…recite Vinz Clortho’s monologue about Gozer the Traveler from memory…


…and have a great time.

While you’re at it, throw on Ghostbusters II.  It’s not nearly as good as the first, but it’s still a lot of fun.  Plus, it has Vigo the Carpathian, whom I recently defeated in battle.

Ain't so bad, ain't so bad
Ain’t so bad, ain’t so bad