Archives Renfield's Resurrection

Worst. Halloween. Decorations. Ever. Part II

Welcome back to my second year of “Worst. Halloween. Decorations. Ever.” special!  This year’s cornucopia of crap comes from the people that brought you White Trash and Ghetto Fab America, Wal-Mart, and the stars of discounts for dummies K-Mart, as well as the upper-class with no class Target.   And lastly and leastly, the store that every Family Dollar aspires to be…You wanted the best, well they couldn’t make it…so here’s Big Lots.  Everyone hold their applause. (Insert cricket noises here.)

Maybe it because I’m a purist, and I don’t take my Halloween lightly. Maybe it is because I hold the holiday sacred and appreciate the thought that many put into their decorations and costumes. Maybe it is because I’m an asshole. No, that’s not it…I’m far past that.

Here is my abbreviated list of things that you should be embarrassed to owning.  If you do own any of these items that I am about to rip to shreds, don’t admit to it, just burn them in a small bonfire out on a dirt road somewhere so that they may never tarnish our beloved holiday again.

I want to send a special “Up Yours!” to Target and Wal-mart for having such craptastic software that disables viewers from downloading their pictures. They probably know what I was going to do with them! I highly encourage you to follow their links to see such train wrecks.

But Mommy I Don’t Wanna Grow Up Adult Costume


Yeah, because you are not douchey enough as it is, so here is a costume for you! Why does “Mommy’s” fac e look like she smells a dirty diaper? Here is what I really want to know: How much did they pay this model? Can you imagine the conversation he had with his friends and family after this photo shoot?

Model: So I modeled for a few costumes and they are going to be on Wal-Mart’s website.

Friend: Oh yeah? Which costumes? Batman? Jason? The banana?

Model: Not exactly.

Friend: Well which ones man?

(Model goes to laptop and pulls up the page)

Model: Yeah? Yeah? What do you think.

(Friend gets up with his beer and walks off)

Model: What? I needed the money!

Well, at least it isn’t the pregnant nun costume again. FAIL!


Walking Tongue Clown


Clowns are already bothersome. The last thing that we need is some animatronic “Douchey the Clown” that has a “walking tongue”. I don’t even know what that means, but I’m damn sure not interested in finding out. The description says “massive tongue”. Now I welcome you to make any sexual joke that you want here folks, but may I just remind you that the tongue is still attached to a five foot robotic clown that looks like it has scabies. Oh! Not so turned on anymore, huh? Fail!


Totally Ghoul Animated Dancing Skeleton


Dances to Flashdance’s  terrible dance (s)hit “Flashdance…Oh What A Feeling”. Do I really need to make fun of this turd or can you already see the humor in just how dumb this really is? Who really needs a skeleton in a coffin dressed as Jem and the Holograms, that shakes its hips to late 80’s dance music that sync to LED lights? This item had so much potential until they gave it to the intern and let them finish the project. Can you imagine everyone sitting around the meeting table:

BOSS: Any ideas of what the skeleton can dance to?

1st EMPLOYEE: I think all the kids like that Rob Zombie guy.

2nd EMPLOYEE: You know Alice Cooper has that “Welcome to My Nightmare” song. That scares my wife.

BOSS: Hmm. Yeah. You! The new guy in the back, stand up. Do you have any ideas?

INTERN: Uh…I like Flashdance…Maybe?

BOSS: You’re gonna go far kid!


Zombie Rooster

Just what every urban apartment needs to complete their Halloween decor. Cock-a-doodle crap! A zombie rooster…Let me say that again. “Zombie…Rooster”.  At what point do we stop and say “Enough with the Goth-damn zombies!”  Does anyone else other than me think that this crap is a little too much? Everything is now a zombie. I just saw a zombie yard gnome the other day. But now they make a zombie roo-  fuck this shit. Fail.


Glitter Glass Skull


Glitter? Repeat after me…”Hall-O-Ween”. Name me one horror movie where the kill scene involved glitter. We aren’t following the Yellow Brick Road, Dorothy. We’re trying to drown people in blood here, not make them feel a sense of comfort. Fail.


Silk’NPetals Rainbow Floral Leis 50 ct


Target…Just how the fuck did this even make it into the Halloween décor section? You had one job! Fail.

Black Bat Car Costume


VROOOOMMM! Look out folks the crapmobile is rolling into town!

Wow. Words escape me for this one. Christmas is just around the corner and we have to be tormented in traffic by the festive person in front of us that insists on dressing their Hyundai up as Rudolf, but now we have to ruin the image of every horror fan’s favorite nocturnal mammal. Now I understand why all the cars in Maximum Overdrive were pissed; they thought we were going to dress them up like we do all of our yappy lap dogs. Fail.


Crashing Witch Betty Bash

 crashing witch

This joke wasn’t funny when I was 8, and it still isn’t funny now that I’m 38. The fact is; it sucks. I really like how the manufacturer thinks all witches are green “little people” with near sighted navigational problems. I also like how the description says “Hanging up is a breeze”. Oh ho ho- ZIINNNGGG! See what they did there! Nyuck Nyuck Nyuck. Do you know what a “floater” is? It is a turd that will just not go down the toilet no matter how many times you flush. This, my friends, is a floater. This made my list last year and you can bet that it damn sure will make my list next year, and the next year after that until they stop making this piece of shit. Fail.


Buried in the Lawn Skeleton


Quick survery: Who has ever seen a corpse on The Walking Dead, or Day of the Dead, or Dawn of the Dead, or What-the-Hell-Ever of the Dead rise out of the ground in the Missionary position? It is as if to say “Hey baby! Wanna see my boner?” or for you nonperverted people, (such as myself) would say “Help, I’ve fallen into the lawn!” I’m hoping to find a cheap store bought plastic skeleton and lay it on top of my neighbor’s in a 69 style position just to piss them off. Then maybe he’ll stop putting this outside where I have to look at it every time I get into my hearse.  I hope the guy that thought this up dies from a horribly disfiguring brain aneurism. Biggest. Fucking. Fail. Ever!


People listen to the words that I say. Don’t be the house in your neighborhood that is known as the “half ass Halloween decorator”. The only thing that is worse than having shitty decorations is having a shit load of shitty decorations thrown all together as if you just did a $100 shopping spree at the dollar store and nothing matches. You’ve seen the type; A hanging 7-ft devil, three bad Styrofoam tombstones, an inflatable friendly ghost riding a tractor, and a string of light up Frankenstein heads along the sidewalk.  Look, just set out a jack-o-lantern and call it a night, huh?

I get it if you have kids, you don’t want to scare them and turn them off to Halloween all together. Maybe then just scale it back to a couple of jack-o-lanterns and a few Casper rip offs. My kids are still very young and they are used to rotting corpses and ghostly faces that appear in the fog in my front yard. Hell, they play in my man cave and there is a reason that the family has named it “The Morgue”. I’m just saying that there is a fine line between child friendly and stupid. Wanna guess which the above decorations fall under?

However you decide to embarrass your family this Halloween, please keep in mind to stay safe. Ghosts, goblins, and ghouls all come out to play and insert rusty razor blades into your candy apples by the flickering of the bonfire lights. Watch out for each other, and as always…

Stay scared!


Renfield Rasputin writes horror, lies, and bullshit that you believe.

Archives Posts Renfield's Resurrection

Motley Brew. Renfield’s pick for Halloween and horror themed beers.

It shouldn’t take one very long to notice that even alcohol companies are merging into the dark side with horror themed drinks and containers as well as horror themed people are merging into the alcohol (Marilyn Manson’s “Mansinthe”).  Today you can walk into your friendly robbery-free liquor store and see that Tekillya (sorry, couldn’t resist) comes in a Dia de los Muertos glass skull and they also distill blood red vodka that is appropriately named (name withheld until they give me a sponsorship).  Lately, internet rumors be damned, I’ve seen more craft breweries pop up and more horror themes associated with them.


Now as every unlucky reader of my articles knows that I am a whiskey, moonshine, absinthe, rum, beer kinda ghoul, and I have at times been guilty of having too much blood in my alcohol system. So stroll on over to your cooler and pick out your favorite adult beverage and pull up a morgue slab. I’m going to give you a run down on my favorite horror related beers for the Halloween season.


10. Black Metal Imperial Stout, Jester King Brewery, Austin TX – Not for sissies, this beer is chewable! Pitch black beer with a dark brown head, it is by far the darkest brew I have ever come across. It is an overdose of the rarest hops and brewed using Texas Hill country well water that gives it a highly bitter taste and a thick weight to the palate. The aftertaste has a bitter dark chocolate reminisce. 9.3% ABV. So it is not exactly horror, but very, very metal!

arrogant bastard

9. Arrogant Bastard, Stone Brewing Co., Escondido CA – If you thought that the last beer was an acquired taste, try this one! Dark body, with about a 1” thick tan head. It gives a strong caramel aroma, but the hops make your taste buds stand up and surrender. Tread lightly with this one. The label has a angry devil on the front with the warning that states “You’re NOT Worthy”. Yeah, I guess I’m not. 7.2% ABV


8. Strawman, Cider, Angry Orchard. – Yeah, I know cider isn’t beer but hey, I like apples…(no I’m not going to do the Good Will Hunting joke. That’s all. I like apples. Is there a problem?) A fine line between tart and tangy as well as earthy tones. Want a change but yet something that will slide right into the mood of the fall season? You’re welcome. 10% ABV


7. Dead Guy Pale Ale, Rogues Ale, Newport OR – Now here is a daily drinker. Deep amber color with a light tan head. It has a nutty aroma that reminds me of a Newcastle Brown Ale. The funny thing about this beer is that it tastes just like it smells with a hint of vanilla to the tastes. As a bonus, if you can find “Double Dead Guy Ale”, that is another must! I don’t understand the skeletal corpse on the label that wears a Pope hat and sits on a keg. Somebody isn’t getting a good seat in church this Sunday! 6.6% ABV


6. Devil’s Backbone, Belgian Style Tripel, Real Ale Brewing Co., Blanco TX – Named after the scenic (and haunted) ridge that runs through Blanco and Wimberly Texas. This is a light amber body with a medium tan head. Made using Czech yeast it has a strong acidic taste but a warm and woody aftertaste. Brewed using water from the Blanco River that is near the brewery the body is light weight and always tastes fresh. It has no preservatives so do not expect to find this beer served anywhere outside of a 500 mile radius from the brewery. 8.1% ABV (This one will sneak up on you!)

Zombie-Dust beer

5. Zombie Dust, Pale Ale, Three Floyd’s Brewing Co., Munster, IN – With the zombie craze in full effect, why not? A little lighter and with more citrus taste but still in the same vein as Dead Guy Ale. Light brown to copper color. Daryl Dixon would be proud. 6.2% ABV

Permanent_Funeral beer

4. Permanent Funeral, Pale Ale, Three Floyd’s Brewing Co., Munster, IN – Again these guys make the list. I can’t help it if they make quality beer! With help in the concoction from the band “Pig Destroyer”, you know this beer is going to be a motherfucker! So take the Zombie dust and lighten the flavor again, turn the color more golden and BAM; you have Permanent Funeral. I haven’t seen this beer in awhile and I think that it was discontinued to make room for the Zombie Dust. Damn shame. 5.2% ABV


3. La Fin Du Monde, Tripel, Unibroue  Chambley, Quebec, Canada – Translated to mean “The end of the world”, this dark gold brew with a thick white head offers less bitterness and more of a citrus spicy kick. With shades of lemon and coriander it is more like Colorado’s Blue Moon. You’ll think it is the end of the world when your glass goes empty! 9.0% ABV


2. Nightmare on 1st St, Pumpkin Ale, No Label Brewing. Katy, TX – You just knew that a pumpkin spice beer was going to make it in here eventually, sorry to make you wait for it. This one ranks up here so high because I have a problem with all other pumpkin spice beers. There is always too much spice and not enough pumpkin. Not in this case. Like a morgue scale, this has perfect balance. This is a very limited season run but it you can find it, stock up like I did. Come to think of it, I may be the reason you can’t find it. 9.27% ABV


1. Blackened Voodoo Lager, Dixie Brewery, New Orleans LA– This beer is as black as my soul, with a rich chestnut colored head and caramel aroma. It delivers a medium weight to the palate and a smoky aftertaste. Based out of the Dixie Brewery in New Orleans this beer was a residential secret for many years until recently it has been marketed to nearby Texas and Louisiana cities. The spooky swamp pictured on the label draws you in because; well swamps actually do look like that down here. 5% ABV


Well there you have it folks; the screwed up things that I will do to my liver to bring you folks the best news information. Please remember to drink carefully and have a designated driver if you are going to partake in any of this dreadful goodness.

And as a victim of a DUI accident, I encourage you to drink responsibly.

Stay scared my pretties!

Renfield Rasputin



Renfield writes horror crap, and gets unusually excited about the yearly release of Count Chocula cereal.


Archives Movie Reviews

Annabelle…Its not the doll you need to worry about.


Warning!!! This review contains spoilers.

I’ve just enjoyed about a third of a bottle of 1835 brand whiskey so let’s cut to the chase. I for one like the movie. I’m sure a lot of people out there will say that this movie was nothing more than just a money grab for anyone who enjoyed the Conjuring; however there is a little bit of truth to the story so for that reason I’m going to go watch it and I’m glad I did. Let’s start by saying exactly why it was that this movie has potential.

For starters the doll (who is actully NOT Annabelle) is not the point of the movie. The doll serves to objectify evil only for the supernatural occurrences that are contained therein.

A little background; the movie is based in the late 60s when Charles Manson and his family have set L.A. on its side and that sets the premise for the rest of the movie for people  to fear the anti hippie movement that cults were known for at the time. I think that is enough terrifying.

I enjoyed the writing. Everything has a purpose and a reason for its being in the movie. Unfortunately that leads to predictability. But if you are enjoying the story, who cares? I felt that the writer covered his ass and left no frayed ends to the script. Kudos!

Here us what many are going to have a problem with. People such as Mrs. Rasputin were waiting for the doll to turn into something creepy and get up and do something.  Nope, not in this movie!  I enjoy the fact that none of this ever happens. When I tried to rationalize with Mrs. Rasputin that we did not go to see another  “Child’s Play”  and we are programmed to watch horror movies and think that the doll is going to do something.  I can appreciate the fact that it doesn’t mimic another horror movie.



The actual “Annabelle” doll. Property of Ed and Lorraine Warren.

I do have to say that if you have children or have younger children close to you, it will disturb you more than if you don’t. The writer/directors place the star’s baby in the danger position and most if the emotions the viewer will have will be to fear for the child. If you don’t have kids, this probably won’t affect you as much. However the movie does rely on a lot of scares and being that most of the movie is a cross between Child’s Play and the Conjuring, one is probably getting weary of all the supernatural movies that have been the trend for the last few years. I am just glad that this is not another found footage movie. For other people I’m sure that they will be thankful that there is no evidence of a sequel in the making.

You know what I say, do t take my word for it, opinions are like assholes…everyone has one and most are full of shit. I dug it but Mrs Rasputin hated it. If this made sense, score! If not, I blame the whiskey.

Archives Renfield's Resurrection

A Lesson In Style…or, Me No Not Like Mistakes (Bloody, gore, bloody, gore, blood)

Hello again all my members of the Renfield’s Grave Robber Union!

It is good to be back in written form again. I haven’t been posting my articles much since I’ve been focusing on my Re-Collection section, finishing other work, and getting ready for Shriekfest Film Festival where my feature screenplay “LaLaurie” is a finalist. (And the crowd goes wild!)

What I think I need to address to the masses (all six of you that are reading this) is the topic of style.  Think of it as a voice or an instrument. You can tell the difference between Sinatra and Cannibal Corpse right?  That is style. Even subtleties will come out when you pay closes enough attention. Take Joe Perry guitar work in Aerosmith and Slash’s guitar work in anything; both artists have a unique sound despite their similar styles. Every writer has to find their style and hone their skills using it. This is not something that is obvious at first, however the more you write will make you style come out over time. If this helps you, great. If it doesn’t, well at minimal you will learn what not to do.

Now, if I have heard it once, I’ve heard it a thousand times “Well that’s my style”.  Please remember the one basic rule: “Crappy is not a style.”

Let’s first address the part of style containing the “how” effect, or “how” you write your characters and story lines. With some writers, the “how” comes across as high school English class story. Just read it aloud and you’ll see what I mean. In the last few weeks I have read several works from self published writers who apparently have problems with editing and proofreading. If this is you, then you need to pack your shit up and move on to the next job or hobby. Every job contains a downside, and having another person proofread your work is this one’s. I hate it because my proofreader is Mrs. Rasputin. She is overqualified for this task considering her background, but the reason that I hate it the most is because she doesn’t get my humor, or my references, or my transitions. Come to think of it, I’m not sure what of me she does get, but hey, at least I’m not making stupid errrosrs tjhankss to herr!  Now what was I talking about? Oh, yeah, “how”.

Here is a short list of the crap that I have found in print from a few writers who insist that they are living off of earnings from their writings.  This is what I would consider “how” not to write.

“Either way, he didn’t want to piss her off either.” – Neither would I neither.

“He’d be coming.” – From where? The ghetto?

If you clamp something open, you cannot crank it open in the next sentence using the clamps. Clamps clamp. They don’t crank.

A “post key” doesn’t exist on a laptop screen for you to hit. The truth is, a post key doesn’t exist anywhere! Furthermore, ask Ray Rice what happens when you “hit” things.

If you have to break a conversation between characters so that the narrator can explain to the reader a specific place or item that the characters are talking about, maybe you should rewrite the conversation.

Heads up – shattered glass doesn’t “spray” around a person.  It can perhaps “blast”, “burst”, or “shatter” however. Just some options.

And for the love of Cthulu please don’t write out every action. The readers are not stupid; they can work through motions in their heads.  (They got out of the car. They shut the doors. They walked to the house. )This isn’t IKEA and we don’t need step by step instructions.

Yes all of these came from actual writings.  If you are interested please look up Stephen King’s book “On Writing” via Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Santa Claus, or you local mom and pop bookstore in your hometown (support local business folks).  This will clear up a lot of the common mistakes that writers make when they are first starting out. Remember that the thought in your head does not always come out the way you may intend it to on paper.

Now during the spoken words of characters it is okay for the writer to give them an accent or have them make grammatical errors. Maybe the character’s accent is directly related to their regional location. Take Huck Finn by Mark Twain for example. The accents are so thick that it makes the story nearly impossible to read at some points. Just try to be careful as well as respectful when attempting to capture the accent.

Finally, as it pertains to the “how” of writings, let’s talk about staying on topic. I usually will go off topic for the fun of it. However, if you are writing about how your dog plays fetch with sticks, do not talk about your sister, your grandfather’s reflux disease, or how the interior of your brother’s car always smells like cheese. Think about what Stephen King states in his book, On Writing, and remember K.I.S.S. – Keep It Simple Stupid. Cut out the extra words in each sentence that is not necessary to the meaning or cause of the sentence.

Next, we need to diagram the “what” of style.  The “what” of style is the way that you convey your story, or in other words, picking out the type of genre that you write. In most of our cases, this is horror. Now, you will have to pick the subgenre, ie psychological, extreme, thriller, etc.  Allow me to repost a section from one of my earlier articles where I discussed writing horror.

Please remember that scary and fear mean two different things. Scary is whatever causes fright or alarm.1  Fear is the human emotion that is caused by something that is an impending threat whether it is real or imagined. 2 So what do want to do? Do you want to make something scary or do you want to make something that will cause fear? One will last for a few seconds, while the other will leave the viewer screwed up for some time. Do this wrong and you are left with an audience that didn’t get it and may make you look completely stupid. Let’s dig that grave a little deeper.

Let’s look at your average “scary movie”. To most, it is probably a slasher film that someone brings a date to (so that he can cop a feel when she jumps in his lap) where the music swells when the buxom actress gets antsy from a noise, she checks it out (naked of course) a cat jumps out of nowhere, the actress is relieved as the killer comes from behind and hacks her up. The end.  You go home and trash it on the old interweb.

Let’s look at the movies that cause fear.  Take Jaws or Psycho for example. I didn’t go into the water at the beach after seeing Jaws. What about showers?  Legions of fans did not take showers after Psycho was released. How about Pee-Wee’s Big Adventure?  I will never leave my bike anywhere near the Alamo again after seeing that!

Now at this point I have to point out to be careful of “shock” horror. This type or horror is when there is an overabundance of gore and exploitation just for the hell of it. Basically it goes against the grain of anything that is considered the social line of “acceptable”. These movies, books, or art contain an excessive amount of gang rape, blood baths, killing of animals or babies, imagery of violent mutilations, etc. I’m not supporting or condoning these mediums, because if that is what you are going for, “morgue” power to ya. But what I am saying is…I don’t get it. It is shocking, (again, so is last week’s paycheck) but it is not scary. Here’s why; a little blood goes a long way. Gore, expletives, violence, and sex is a much more effective image when it is done right, and by doing it right I mean sparingly. If you watch a scene that is drawn out where someone is about to cut off another person’s ear, when it eventually does happen, and those few drops of blood dripping from the wound are seen it is much more effective than seeing the victim drowning in blood from a lacerated ear. At some point it becomes more comical than horrific. This is when I start getting hate mail about “It’s not realistic when a chainsaw cuts off an arm and only a little blood comes out.” My answer is simple. HOW THE FUCK DO YOU KNOW? HACKED OFF MANY AN ARM WITH A CHAINSAW IN YOUR DAY? So please consider your usage of such so that it doesn’t turn into a comedy.

To scare someone is easy. Startle effects are abundant, cheap, and easy to achieve. Kind of like my ex-ghoulfriends. To install fear in someone is a true talent. Thought has to be put into each scene and timing has to be just right. The difference between kill scenes from the Universal Monster years and the killers today is when they were done in the Universal years, the monster’s face was revealed and the camera held onto the image for several seconds before they slaughtered their victim so that the frightening imagery sat in. (Think of the scene in Phantom of the Opera where Christine removes Erik’s mask. That glare seemed to last forever.)



Remember folks, any 3rd grader can gross out an audience, that doesn’t take talent. Want me to prove it? Fine, pick or blow your nose and wipe the contents in an obvious place on a public wall where it is sure to be seen. Next, step back and watch the action. Within minutes there will be someone who will come along and be completely disgusted at the sight. (Bonus points if you achieve vomiting!) Now ask yourself; how much talent did that take?

Again, if that is you cup of strychnine, fine. But who exactly did you scare? I encourage every writer to push themselves and attempt to achieve something in their writings that will leave the reader with a lasting impression (other than disgusted).  That may involve changing up or even accentuating your style by means of “what” or “how”.  “How” you do that, and in “what” way, is up to you to discover.

Until next time, rest in pieces.

Renfield Rasputin

Shiekfest Finalist

Renfield prefers if you are going to call him names, use the term, “Tombstone Trash”.

Archives Music

Review of ex-Misfit’s, Doyle Wolfgang Von Frankenstein’s “Abominator” CD

AbominatorDoyle Wolfgang Von Frankenstein hasn’t done much in the way of separating himself from the Misfits image-wise. Other than his second independent effort since his departure from Jerry, he still goes by his old moniker, still wears the same makeup and devillock, still plays the same wicked shaped guitar (yeah, I know he makes his own, but he could’ve made a different one). Then again, Alice Cooper didn’t change anything when he went out on a solo effort, which worked out okay for him.

Now, we all know that I am one huge Misfits fan, let alone a Doyle fan; otherwise I wouldn’t have signed up for this Goth damn project! (The fact is, I actually got this release straight from Doyle himself.)  Now I don’t know if that is going to sway my opinion on this solo effort one way or the other, but I have resold similar efforts in the past that not even my dog would piss on.

Since leaving the Misfits, Doyle has gone solo with his now ex-wife for the “Gorgeous Frankenstein” project, shown up at every Danzig show to close with a Misfit encore set, and now has put together his own band “Doyle” to start anew. With his new album Abominator, (out on his own record label “MonsterMan Records”), the first album from their project, Doyle pushes the edge of his metal side to a new level.

If you have heard his previous work outside of the ‘Fits you’ll know that Doyle has a recognizable slow but chunky-groovy-swing sound to his music that is accentuated by the occasional screeching pitch harmonic (think Zakk Wylde). High on the lows and highs, but near absent in midtones, Doyle achieves this tone from playing not through Marshalls as one would expect, but rather Ampeg bass speakers! The result is a razor like sound from a guitar with a cold. Blended tightly with all the other instruments and vocals, this fucking release packs some major monster balls!

As for a lineup, Doyle hand selected musicians that have orbited around his previous work with the Misfits and his style. Left Hand Graham on bass, Cancerslug frontman Alex Story on vocals and former Misfits drummer Dr. C.H.U.D. have returned to abominate and destroy! We all know that Doyle works well with C.H.U.D., but he molds with Graham musically while Story channels his inner Danzig on looks as well as his evil Elvis croon.

Most of the songs on the album were written by Story and Doyle themselves. With 11 songs on the feature release, the album is

“Dreamingdeadgirls”, “Mark of the Beast”, and “Hope Hell is Warm” are the highlights of Doyle’s style and the songs that make one stamp “APPROVED” well across the front cover. However, “Valley of the Shadows” is a runaway fucking hit! It’s catchy, it’s groovy, and the vocal chorus will stick with your ass for days!

The lineup works! I haven’t heard several guys from their own groups blend this well since the Highway Men. I know that is rather bold, but give it a listen and you tell me if you don’t think the band swings on “Dreamingdeadgirls” the way that a jazz band would, or if “Bloodstains” doesn’t kick like a Mexican mule! Personally I don’t think that neither Doyle nor Story are the best lyricists, however
“She dances with the Lord of Flies and the King of Rats calls her queen
The birthmark on her inner thigh looks a little to much like a goat to me
And I’m forbidden to speak the names that she calls out in her sleep
But one thing that she doesn’t know is that I’m gonna take her down with me”

I find oddly horror-erotic!doyle-small

Abominator has been jamming in my player for about a week now and has been moved from the Jeep to the mancave, to the outside CD player and back to the Jeep several times. I haven’t grown weary of it yet, and actually every play has released another fascination with it, whether it is technique, the excellent instrument production, the lyrics, or even insert art. Halloween is around the corner and this release will be on rotation in the workshop while I construct new decorations, if I haven’t worn it out by then. In which case I will be getting another one from Doyle!

Here’s something you probably didn’t know and don’t want to. The chick that is heard moaning in the background of “Cemeterysexxx” is Doyle’s ex-wife, Gorgeous George…

4.5/5 MonsterMan neck bolts.

Catch Doyle out on his Annihilate America tour this fall, or at


Renfield Rasputin gave Doyle the idea for the neckbolts.