Archives Renfield's Re-Collections

Renfield’s Re-Collections part 8

Alright all you little tombstone trash rejects, listen up!  After 6 hours in surgery, the insertion of two cadaver bones, six screws, two plates and one overdose in postop, I’m back! That’s right, the boogeyman always returns in part 2! It’s good to be back with you freaks and creeps. I want to send a shout out to all… three people that sent warm wishes to me while I was in the hospital. (Insert cricket chirps here.) I also want to ask, who in the hell was the person that cut the nurse call button, forged the order for a Drain-O enema, and hired “Mongo the stripping clown” to visit me post-op? Asshole.

As always, if I don’t give my speech before I start someone will get pissed and write another “you suck” letter and I will probably be forced to give a long, drawn out, “Fuck you!” So that I don’t have to do that again…(sigh)

“The following items listed below are the property of individual sellers and are of no relation to the great and magnificent (and ever so charming) Renfield Rasputin or .  Also, they do not profit off of the sale of said items or receive any compensation from the seller for the mention of the item.”

Happy now? Good. Now settle down.


Uncle Fester Remco 5” figure 1964

Uncle Fester

Charles Addams was a cartoonist for The New Yorker magazine in the late 1930s when he created the loveable Addams Family. Uncle Fester was a pudgy, bald, individual with bug eyes that found every day jobs easier to do when they involve dynamite (fishing trips especially). Unfortunately the mold for the face of this Uncle Fester looks a little more like it was the precursor to “Billy” from Saw. Remco was a toy company that for two decades held the chains for making horror character toys.  In the 1960s it was not uncommon to find your favorite characters in hard plastic (which was considered a cool medium in those days). This toy was like all the others, it did nothing, said nothing, and just stood there. Thank Goth for Bobble Heads. 

A rare find, one in good shape can chase $150-$200.


Barnabus Collins Cane and Ring Set

Barnabus Collins caneBarnabus Collins Ring

America’s favorite vampire started haunting Dark Shadows television show during the second season. Carrying a wolf head cane and brandishing a onyx ring, neither of which had a distinctive origin, he posed as a long lost family member to the Collins family. Adding to his distinguished appearance, the items carried over to Johnny Depp’s version of the character on the movie remake. These are cheap replicas and not actually licensed by the Addams Family. 

An actual licensed cane can run $50-$75 while a licensed ring with real Onyx and 14k gold can go up to $250.  For an unlicensed set, I wouldn’t pay more than $30.


1980 Topps Creature Feature Wax Packs

Topps Creature

in the 1980s and most of the 1990s Topps dominated the baseball card world and often ventured into other genres such as movie stills (pertaining to kids such as Indiana Jones and Goonies) as well as classic horror film characters. 12 photos, 1 sticker, (88 cards and 22 stickers total) and a piece of gum that tasted oddly like my baseball glove. Released in the 80s, they featured monsters ranging from Metaluna to the Mole People and had terrible jokes captioned beneath each picture (example: Metaluna has a caption that says “I’m the brains of the family”) One can find loose cards as well as the complete set on ebay. Side note- the set is in no way connected to the “Creature Feature” that was hosted by Bob Wilkens.

An unopened pack can go for $2, while $30 is fair for the complete set.


Chilling Thrilling Sounds from the Haunted House Vinyl from Disneyland Records

Disney Haunted

One of my prize possessions that I have asked to be buried with is my near mint copy from 1979! Released in three prints (1964, 1973, 1979) this record was not intended for young children and should have come with a warning label. (For those of you too young, a record was a vinyl disc that spun on a “record player” at 33 ½ rpms…Never mind. Just Google it.) Side A consisted of short scary stories while Side B played scary sound effects.  While several covers exist, the 1979 is the most popular with artistic work of the Disney Haunted Mansion.

Near good condition to near mint goes for $10-$20.


Monster Cereal Promo Watch by the Lafayette Watch Co.

Monster cerealMonster cereal 2

Fuck yeah! Monster Cereals rule, and I stock the hell up on these every October when they come out. Now I have to admit, I have been collecting horror memorabilia for a long time but even this one stumped me. However I have gathered some of the back story after having to do research on “vintage Lafayette watches”.  First off, Lafayette Watch Co, was a Swedish watch maker (so that jumps up the price right there) in the 60’s, 70’s, and 80’s (another price increase). They specialized in “advertising watches” which meant they profited from companies paying them to make their logos into watches. General Mills, in this case, used Frankenberry, Count Chocula, and BooBerry as each of the clocks arms. The cool part about this one is what happens to the watch’s face. The haunted castle will disappear and reappear depending on the AM or PM hours!

I have only found two of these watches online and they ranged from $500 -$1000!


Well that is all the cool trinkets that I’ve dug up for this week. I’ve got three screenplays to finish writing, four short stories, three songs to record, a film editing program to upload and figure out how to work, a graphics program to do the same to, and a partridge in a pear tree. On top of all that, stick around as Dusty and I put the last few things together for a Horror-Writers podcast. Much more wicked things to come my little grave secrets!

Until you call on the dark,

Renfield Rasputin

  Neck Xray

Renfield Rasputin works at break neck speed! (Break neck? Get it? See what I did right there?)