Archives Book Reviews The Lost Dark

The Lost Dark by Andy Rigley Book Review

The Lost Dark is a 2013 novel from author Andy Rigley. This was an absolute pleasure to read. Andy does an incredible job of creating a world full of true existential terror. The plot constantly keeps you guessing and there were times when I had to put it down in order to take a breather.

I found his writing style to be comparable to Clive Barker with enough original flavor thrown in to keep the reader entertained.

The story follows the very likeable Jake through a complex and often disturbing journey where he must discover the truth about his hidden “Lost Dark”. There are a few scenes of gore that actually succeded in making me feel uneasy. Of all the books I’ve read this year, I’d say that The Lost Dark is the one I’d most like to see adapted into a film. The plot moves at an incredible pace, the characters are very believable and the scares stick with you long after you’ve put the book down. I can’t recommend this book enough.