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Book Review: At The Cemetery Gates

At the Cemetery Gates: Year One, by John Brhel and Joseph Sullivan

I remember going to sleepovers as a kid, and staying up into the wee hours of the morning trading scary stories and urban legends in hushed tones with my friends. We’d swear up and down that we knew someone who knew someone who knew the girl whose boyfriend was murdered by the hook hand killer. We’d retell local legends, and stories we’d read in Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark.The tales were short and sweet, getting to the good stuff quickly and allowing for the storyteller to embellish for maximum effect. It spawned an entire generation of horror fans, including authors John Brhel and Joseph Sullivan, who paid homage to the Scary Stories collections with their newest book, At the Cemetery Gates: Year One.

The following aren’t short stories so much as they are digestible suburban fables.

Cemetery Gates Media presents a collection of fourteen twisted tales clocking in at 168 pages of consumable bites of horror and dark fiction, written in the very style that made Alvin Schwarz’s tales so popular two decades ago. Rather than setting everything up neatly like a regular short story, Brhel and Sullivan condense their stories into compact vignettes that are ready for retelling around a campfire, or in a bedroom late at night.

Favorites include:

Passion’s Paroxysm, a quick glimpse into a day in the life of a mistreated husband. The surprise ending make this tale destined to be an urban legend

The Girl With The Crooked Tooth, a thoroughly eerie homage to Edgar Allen Poe, complete with a creepy dude with an odd obsession with a woman. I don’t like dental stuff, so this one really got under my skin. The beautiful prose and unsettling imagery stuck with me.

New Year’s Eve, What A Gas!, about a simple mistake leading to catastrophic consequences. If you like the stories that play on fears of being killed at random, for no good reason, this is sure to titillate.

Considering that I couldn’t find a bad thing to say about this collection and found it to be even more enjoyable than their last anthology, I give this book the full 5 stars. Many of these stories are trope-heavy, but that’s how good lore works. It follows a basic template, and works as a means of expressing universal fears in American society. Anonymous murderers, poison in our food, and systematic conspiracies that affect the marginalized are all things that many of us worry about.  Urban legends synthesize those apprehensions into morsels of dread that serve to remind us that death awaits us everywhere, at all times. I’d heartily recommend At The Cemetery Gates to readers who want a little something to nibble on before bed each night, and to young horror fans who want something juicy to regale to their friends between classes. Find it on Amazon.

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50+ Essential Subreddits for Horror Writers

Most folks today are at least aware of Reddit. “The front page of the Internet” is both an endless source of information, and a notorious time-waster. You can find whole communities dedicated to even the tiniest of niches, and it turns out that horror writers are no exception.

When we previously posted a list of 10 great online resources for horror writers, Reddit was originally at the top of that list. However, I found that it wasn’t enough to drop a link to the home page of the website; there are many, many nooks and crannies to search through. Some subreddits only have 4 subscribers, or haven’t posted anything new in months. Those places aren’t particularly helpful to those of us working on our latest story, so I’ve rounded up 63 subreddits that have a fair following and an active community.

Whether you’re looking for boogeyman inspiration or a good conversation on the common themes in Stephen King’s works, these horror havens are a great way to enhance the quality of your Reddit newsfeed.


*Note: Always check the sidebar in each subreddit for their posting guidelines, especially in the Places to Post Your Stories section. If you get banned for violating the rules, no one will see your literary masterpiece!*

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5 MORE Horror Films Every Horror Writer Should Watch

Last month, I talked about movies that all horror writers must watch to help them become better storytellers.  Learning what makes good horror stories work so well can give an incredible boost to your own writing in the same way that absorbing more books (both good and bad) can help you hone your craft. Here is another roundup of films that deliver the scares and are worth watching with a pen and paper at your side.

How To Watch Films With A Storyteller's Eye

**Obligatory disclaimer:  I acknowledge that these films may not be for everyone. I chose these films for specific reasons that were helpful to my own writing, reasons that I’ve laid out below. I also grant that the reasons I list below are not the only thing that make these films effective. I can’t say with a straight face that cinematography didn’t play heavily into Event Horizon , or that the sweeping score and striking imagery didn’t affect my experience watching A Tale of Two Sisters . However, I tried to focus on things that could cross mediums, into writing. **





Event Horizon – This genre-straddling tale takes us to the far reaches of space (and beyond) as we follow a rescue crew investigating a spaceship’s disappearance into and subsequent return from a black hole. This film is a classic Eldritch horror set in space, and, like any solid horror story, makes effective use of atmosphere in order to set the stage and keep the audience in a state of dread from the very beginning. We get a sense of eerie isolation and bad juju vibes from the jump, and I credit screenwriter Philip Eisner for that.  The setting and tone create incredible narrative tension far before the blood starts to spill, building dread and priming the audience for what’s to come. While the cinematography certainly adds to the pulse-pounding viewing experience, it would all be sound and fury without the haunted house story that lies at Event Horizon’s core.

Ravenous – I chose not to put up the trailer for this film because it would taint your viewing experience. Seriously, don’t get me started on that trailer. Don’t even look it up on YouTube; the thumbnails are mostly spoiler-laden. It’s widely agreed among many horror fans that this is a film best viewed for the first time with as little prior knowledge as possible. All you need to know is that it’s a period film (19th century) steeped in murder and madness. On your subsequent viewing, take note of its use of gallows humor to punctuate its most savage, brutal moments. Embracing the humor in dark moments can work to relieve tension and aid in pacing.

Frailty – This 2001 film, written by Brent Hanley and directed by (and starring) Bill Paxton, follows FBI agent Wesley Doyle as he tracks a serial killer known as The God’s Hand Killer, when a man walks in claiming to know the identity of the killer and the location of some bodies. Without spoiling the amazing ending, I’ll say that this film is full of effective plot twists, and deftly reverses the audience’s expectations time and time again. This film also makes great use of the unreliable narrator to keep the viewer guessing, and subtle foreshadowing makes the ending so much more satisfying and the movie so much more rewatchable.

Devil – A group of strangers in New York end up stuck together in a high-rise elevator, and…strange things begin to happen. Some of them get hurt, and they all begin to turn on each other as authorities outside the elevator work to save the trapped passengers. M. Night Shyamalan is known for his twist endings, but this 2010 film shines for a different reason; its efficient use of pacing. The events unroll in real-time, keeping things crisp and urgent for those watching at home. The time constraint not only keeps tension tightrope-taut, it allows the actors to take their performances up to 11; their respective characters react believably, becoming increasingly paranoid and desperate to survive in the 50-ish on-screen minutes they have in that cramped space.

A Tale of Two Sisters – This 2003 film is a stellar example of intricate plotting. The Tale tells of a pair of sisters recovering from a mental breakdown at an imposing Gothic house, with their tired father and sinister stepmother. An airtight narrative structure leaves no room for fluff, only vital elements of the puzzle. Everything means something: a piece of furniture, an article of clothing, a persistent sound. Screenwriter/director Jee-woon Kim took a single event and broke it down, to be served to the audience at a perfect rate, in a perfect manner. The result is a mesmerizing journey into one person’s heart of darkness.

When we as writers watch films through a storytelling lens, we can figure out what makes a good story work. We can then translate that into our writing and improve our craft. Have you come across a film that has helped you spin a better yarn? Let us know in the comments below!

Archives Book Reviews

Book Review: Deadraiser (Part 1: The Horror In Jordan’s Bank)

Deadraiser Horror Book Review
Big fish in a small town. Necromancy. Human sacrifice. Conspiracy. If you like these things, you’ll get a kick out of Deadraiser Part 1: The Horror In Jordan’s Bank). From the Goodreads summary:
DEADRAISER is the tale of a present-day practitioner who achieves what others have been unable to do for centuries — to raise the dead. The problem is that he must sacrifice innocent victims in order to maintain his power. Enter Fanchon (Frankie) Manning, daughter of the late movie star Erika Manning. She is the ideal sacrificial lamb for the Necromancer’s perverse desires. The only thing that stands between the Necromancer and the girl is Christopher McGuire, a lost soul who long ago has ceased believing in anything. In order to save the child, he must somehow rediscover his faith and summon the courage to take on the darkest, most sinister being imaginable.



I’m going to start off by saying that the story is outstanding. Authors Stephanie C. Lyons-Keeley and Wayne J. Keeley really captured the feel of the small town and the townspeople within. The book is a bit tongue-in-cheek, totally aware of how stereotypical the small-town characters are (the bumbling sheriff suspicious of the newcomer, the ne’er do well kids, the vulturistic journalist, etc.) and chuckling with the reader over it. Everyone was distinctive and developed; every action and line of dialogue was something only that character would have done or said. I especially liked Damon the caretaker; he creeped me out from the beginning.The book effortlessly jumps from character to character and back and forth in time, but I was never confused. It all felt natural, and the narrative flowed well. The authors nailed the tone and atmosphere, which made the dream scenes and death scenes effectively scary. I gobbled this book up whole chapters at a time, and looked forward to getting my next chance to read some more. I may or may not have put my toddler to bed a half hour early in order to finish this book; I won’t confirm or deny. Don’t judge me.

I wanted to give this book 5 stars, but I’m frustrated over the ending: the authors unnecessarily ended the story on a cliffhanger. In so many of our favorite series, there is an overarching conflict that spans the entire series. Smaller conflicts are put forth that the protagonist has to weather. Katniss has to survive the Hunger Games, but President Snow is still looming and a rebellion is brewing. Harry Potter makes it through his first year at Hogwarts and defeats Professor Quirrel, but Voldemort is back and gaining power. Eventually, the protagonist has to address that overarching conflict in later books, but satisfies the reader by completing the smaller arc in each preceding book. This doesn’t happen in Deadraiser. The overarching conflict is unresolved, and so are most smaller conflicts (one is resolved by the death of a character, but nothing the protagonist actively contributed to). So the ending feels abrupt and unsatisfying, like the authors are trying to stretch out the story for more money. If they are, it’s a smart move, business-wise, but it left me feeling resentful enough to make a whole thing out of it in the review.

In the end, I still recommend this book to old-school horror fans and lovers of the Occult, and look forward to devouring Part 2.

Archives On Writing Posts

10 Great Online Resources For Horror Writers

Resources websites for horror writers

In a perfect utopia, the Muses would always be with us, whispering literary gold into our ears. Little goblins would keep track of our work, making sure we never made the desperate mistake of sending a query letter too soon. Tiny sprites would feed the perfect research resources into our favorites folders for more accurate storytelling.

Alas, we don’t live in a perfect world.

We are writers. We have to pour our blood, sweat, and tears (many, many tears) into getting our work correct, getting our work finished, and getting our work out to the right people at the right time. It’s enough to make any writer slam their laptop shut and hide in the safety of Tumblr fanfic and Netflix binges.

I’m here to tell you that it doesn’t have to be that way. You CAN get that story done. You know…that one you’ve been working on.

All you need to get your magnum opus released is a little bit of inspiration and organization. That’s what this post is all about! I’ve curated 10 places for you to check out that inspire, inform, and organize your work. Read on to find something that works for you.

NOTE: We all know that the library and Wikipedia are great places to look stuff up, so I’m going to skip those. This list is made up of a few resources that you may not have heard of or thought to use.

1. Project Gutenberg: Horror Bookshelf – Stephen King said it best: “Every book you pick up has its own lesson or lessons, and quite often the bad books have more to teach than the good ones.” It’s widely acknowledged that, in order to write well, one should be well-read. Frankly, I don’t have the budget to drop hundreds of dollars at the bookstore every month, but I admit that I haven’t read many of the classics (and seeing the movie adaptation isn’t the same, people). Luckily, we have Project Gutenberg. This nonprofit site hooks you up with free eBook downloads of horror classics, such as Dracula, The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, The Works of Edgar Allen Poe, and The Great God Pan, which I previously recommended to fans of Stranger Things .

2. Crime Magazine – Psycho. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. The Town That Dreaded Sundown. All of these movies were based, in part, on actual heinous crimes and infamous killers. I’m sure you could name a few more off the top of your head. Crime Magazine has all of these crimes and more collected neatly in their database; everything from political assassinations to high-profile murder cases to organized crime. There is even a section on justice issues, with articles on corruption, hate crimes, and more. If your literary gem in progress shows society its ugly reflection in the mirror, this is a wonderful place to get the facts on the cases that inspire you.

3. Delirium’s Realm – Self-described as a site “devoted to the study of good and evil in society”, DR offers an extensive database of demon profiles and biblical studies (particularly end times studies). There are also great articles on witches, the nature of evil in works of literature, and philosophical musings on morality and belief. If your work-in-progress deals with the supernatural, this site is worth a look.

4. Writing Realistic Injuries – Writing a fight/death scene and can’t spare the cash for a textbook on medical trauma? This little site gives a good basic overview of traumatic injuries and what they do to the average human body. Baseline vital signs are included, as well as as guide to blood loss. Best of all: it’s free!

5. Dark Markets – Okay, you’ve finished a spooky short story, now what? This a free market resource for horror writers finds publishers, new and old, in their database. They also post open calls for anthology submissions, writing contests, and magazine solicitations for works of horror. This site is easy to navigate, and updated often.

6. Horror Tree – This site is another fine submissions resource for you nightmare storytellers out there. They provide links to publishers with open markets, and their posts have the deadline and payment info right under the title. They post daily updates to their Twitter as well — bonus!

7. The (Submission) Grinder – Ever gotten rejected from a publication you don’t remember sending a submission to? Or maybe you saved a perfect market in your favorites, then forgot about it and missed the window for submitting. Never again! Use The Grinder, a free online submissions tracker. Find optimal markets for your work, and keep track of what you’ve submitted, to whom, and when.

8. Duotrope – Another fine submissions tracker, but this one requires a paid subscription. Its extensive search feature has been highly praised in many writing circles. Like The Grinder, you’ll be able to keep track of your submitted work, and get an idea of when to expect a response.

9. Pinterest – We’re all familiar with the virtual pin board that has become one of the largest social media networks. You can use Pinterest to help your writing, either as a public author platform or just for your own personal benefit. Think of it as an online version of your trusty writer’s notebook: you can pin pictures for inspiration on moodboards dedicated to your genre or topic. You can pin quotes to inspire you when writer’s block strikes. You can pin writing tips and research. And it’s free, perfect for the struggling artist’s budget.

10. Lit Reactor – From the site: “Study what you want, when you want, at your own pace.” This website features successful authors and industry professionals that host classes and workshops to help you hone your craft. If you don’t want to commit to a full course, you can check out essays on writing by authors like Chuck Palahniuk and Jack Ketchum.

So there you have it! 10 resources to give you the scoot you need to get your horror story off the ground and into the nightmares of readers everywhere. What say you? Do you have any good websites to share with your fellow horror writers? Let us know below, and share this post with that friend that is still working on that novel. You know the one.