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Sleepy Hollow S2E6: “And the Abyss Gazes Back”

Look Where You’re Going

An episode that starts with yoga, so we can see Abbie in a state of semi-undress and Ichabod in casual modern clothing as both sweat by candlelight???  Bestill my heart! Nicole looked like she knew what she was doing, so I’m guessing she brought her mat on set enough times for it to be incorporated into the show. Nice, fun touch.

ichabod Yoga

Sheriff Corbin’s son, Joe,  showed up, so I guess I was prescient last week. This time we get another son as monster (by curse) and the theme of Becoming Monsters by our actions. Joe is in town after an honorable discharge from the Army, and battles transforming into a Wendigo, which kind of put his platoon in Afghanistan in peril, and now threatens Sleepy Hollow. This is juxtaposed, briefly, with the storyline of Henry trying to turn  Captain Franklin into a monster by tempting him with the chance to kill the man who paralyzed his daughter. This episode gives us the power of will, the desire to be good and stay that way and the temptation of our baser instincts. I wish we’d gotten more of the Captain’s struggle, but I guess prison angst had to take a back seat to cool galloping antlered monster.


This episode was in better form than the previous one. More cohesive, pulling together multiple key characters into the thread of the storyline and the general arc of the show. This is what the show needs. Episodes like this have drive and heart, examine the human condition, keep us caring about the characters, introduce new info and danger and move the story along. And we are once again asked one of the core Sleepy Hollow questions: Can you believe someone is not beyond saving as much as Abbie does? I wouldn’t quite call her Saint Abbie yet. But she takes her mission seriously. All the more fun it will be when the writers show us Evil Bitch Abbie, because you know, inevitably, they will.

By the end, Henry is up to some serious no good, setting in motion a new attack on Catrina, his mother. From the promos, it’s clear where that’s heading, but for those who turn away from spoilers of future eps, you will have none here.

My Favorite Moments

Ichabod’s hair is looking sexier (when not in that straggly ponytail)

“As much as i would love to debate the variety of rodent hats that existed in your days, can we please refocus?”

The way the Wendigo runs

The look Hawley drops on Abbie just before her sister walks in. (oh-oh)

Ichabod knew Daniel Boone TOO? I need to keep a running list of the famous he conveniently knew.

Ichabod online gaming.

My Pet Peeves

Veiled T&A: Abbie is giving more push up this season (because what female cop doesn’t want to wear scoop neck tees that show some cleavage?) I know, I know. It’s TV and the fan boys exert their influence. But her sister, Jenny, dresses more appropriately for battle.  It would be better and more believable to let Abbie give the sexy shorty occasionally. She’s a pretty and talented actress. Can we let that carry the day for most of the episode?

Captain Franklin’s soul bartered? Nope. Not buying it. I maintain that bartering requires mutual agreement. The Captain was, as he said, tricked.

Well, my friends, it’s THAT week. If you’re in NYC, I might see you at the famous Halloween Parade or at the annual Limelight party. Otherwise, enjoy yourselves out there. Be safe, have fun, and if you see the Abyss, look the other way.

 Henry in cave