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Interview with A. Giacomi

1. How long have you been writing for?
I have been writing for as long as I can remember. It started when I ordered a journal from a Scholastic Book Order Form. I think that might have been grade 4. I started writing daily events but grew bored quickly. Fiction is more fun, am I right? Stories began to unfold and I’ve been addicted ever since.

2. How many rejections did you receive before you first became published
and how did you stay motivated?*
A lot! Ha ha…from Literary Agents, perhaps about 50 rejections and I’m still getting some! Getting an Agent is difficult because they can only take on so many clients and they really like to pick people who they can work with over their entire career, so it’s sort of like finding a soulmate, but I’m not giving up. As for publishers I think I sent about twenty submissions before I had some takers and that came with a lot of research and finding publishers that were looking for my genre and my particular voice. All in all it took me a full year of diligent searching to find a publisher.

3. Favorite Author and book when you were a child?
I’ve always loved R .L. Stine! Goosebumps is a great series and I can’t wait for my kids to read it, but I think his Fear Street series is still my fave, it was a little darker, a little creepier. I also really loved Edgar Allan Poe, I’ll admit I learned of him through a Simpson’s Halloween special and eventually picked up an anthology at the library and couldn’t put it down.

4. What music do you listen to when you write?
I don’t really listen while I write, it’s more of a pre-writing ritual. I listen to a lot of alternative and indie rock. A few specific artists are Metric, Jack White, Cat Power, Lights, July Talk, and The Foo Fighters.

5. Favorite book released in the last year?
Dammit! Sam Maggs! She stole my heart! I read Fangirl’s Guide to the Galaxy and it’s my forever read, then she wrote Wonder Women, it’s epic, I love books that showcase amazing women, especially when they’re real!

6. Favorite quote from a book that is not your own?
Dante always gets me, I wish I could mimic the passion in his writing and funny enough John Green comes close! I got a little bit of green envy mixed with applause for the way they magically tie words together. Here are two of my faves:

“Do not be afraid; our fate
Cannot be taken from us; it is a gift.”
― Dante Alighieri, Inferno

“My thoughts are stars I cannot fathom into constellations.”
― John Green, The Fault in Our Stars

7. Favorite quote from one of your own works?
I haven’t published this one yet, but it has many lines I love. It’s a paranormal-romance-thriller and that’s about all I can say about it . Here’s a little sample:
“There’s no such thing as smooth sailing .
Everything is a climb, and when you can’t climb anymore, you die.”

8. Advice for new writers who are struggling with character creation?
Go out and listen to people talk, keep your ears open for interesting conversations. I go to the airport to eavesdrop often! It sounds like a creeper thing to do, but it works for me, I take tidbits here and there and boom! A character is born!

9. E-Reader or Physical copy?
I buy both, ebooks for convenience, but paper is still my favourite. I love buying old books too, just love the smell of them, can’t really explain why, just do! Ha ha.

10. Favorite genre to read?
Always horror, I love a good scare . I’m not a real thrill seeker, so books and film are my thrill rides. I also really love Halloween, I secretly, not so secretly wish it was everyday!

11. What first inspired you to become a writer?
I think it first started with just the overflow of imagination that I had as kid, it had to go somewhere! I was bursting with ideas that I either had to write or draw or paint. It’s like that Faulkner quote “If a story is in you, it has to come out.” I relate to that, if you don’t let it out it sort of drives you mad until you do!

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