Archives Book Reviews

Book Review: Year 47 by Bo Chappell

This book started as a kickstarter and we are glad it came to fruition. I was hooked pretty much immediately at the world that Bo created. It’s a post apocalyptic western and just typing those words out again bring a giant smile to my face.

The book is set forty-six years after the Rapture and is set in the New West. The setting is great but the characters are the absolute best part of this book. There’s some dark humor and crisp dialogue. It mixes a lot of things together from Judeo Christian mythology and speaking as a person that grew up a pretty devout Catholic it was really fun to how it was handled.

I’m going to go ahead and recommend this book to anybody who enjoys any of the following.


Strong characters

Stories that dip into bibilcal tales and actually know what they’re talking about.

Fun horror.

You can find Year 47 on Amazon here