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Penny Dreadful S1E8, “Grand Guignol”

And now it’s time to say goodbye to Penny Dreadful.  I came into this season with high hopes, and I’m happy to say that it has surpassed those raised expectations.  It wasn’t perfect, but it was pretty close.  It looked fantastic, and the cast was tremendous.
In the past, I had mentioned that I wanted this story to be wrapped up by the end of this season.  As much as I love the characters involved, I was ready to move on from the stories being told.  With the way this season ended, it looks like we’ll be with these characters for a little while longer.  The good news is that they have wrapped up some of the main storylines.  Or, at the very least, they have wrapped up the storylines that had begun to grow old.  I’m glad they have shed those two storylines and will be moving forward into season 2.

Now, let’s talk about this episode.

I had grown tired of Caliban’s demand for a mate.  Or, rather, I had grown tired of Caliban.  Puffing himself up around Frankenstein (“Demon! Make me a sammich!”) and wilting around others.  It got old in a hurry.  They worked hard to force me into giving him sympathy, but I never found any for him.  Until he had his moment of clarity, that is.  Caliban finally came to terms with the fact that the only person responsible for the monster he became was himself.  “The malignance has grown, you see, from the outside in.”  He let the ugliness turn inwards, and that’s on him.  He finally saw, and he all but begged the gun-toting doctor into ending his life.  “I would rather be the corpse I was than the man I am.  Go ahead.  Pull the trigger.  It would be a blessing.”
Feeling a bit of fatherly affection, Frankenstein lowers the gun and decides to make Caliban a mate: not because it was demanded of him, but because he genuinely cares for his creation.  I loved this.  Giving Caliban a bride came out of love instead of threats.
Of course, Caliban’s gain is Ethan’s loss.  Brona was fading fast, and Frankenstein merely helped her to shuffle loose the mortal coil.  Still, I think it’s the first time the phrase, “Her passing was a thing of grace,” was used after smothering someone with a pillow.  To her credit, Brona didn’t struggle.  Perhaps it was as graceful a passing as could have been expected, given her circumstances.  “I’ll take care of the body,” Frankenstein reassured Ethan.  “We know you will,” we all said.

"I named the pillow Grace."
“I named the pillow Grace.”

A distraught Ethan stumbled to the nearest bar, seeking refuge in the bottom of a filthy glass.  He is confronted there by a pair of Pinkertons. Ethan’s father had sent them to bring him back.  He fights them off and escapes.  “We have underestimated our prey,” they proclaim, and track him down again.  But they made one grave mistake: they confronted him during a full moon, and the Pinkerton agency shrunk by two.
Finally, after weeks of anticipation, we get our reveal: Ethan is a werewolf.  We didn’t see the full transformation, but we did see him all wolfed out, and, to no one’s surprise, he looked pretty similar to Universal’s Wolf Man.  It was not a surprise, but it was a fun reveal.  Guess I’ll have to wait until next season to see if my Jack the Ripper theory was correct.

We also got an end to the Mina storyline.  In the big action sequence of the episode, the gang entered The Grand Guignol with malice towards vampires in their hearts.  We saw a vampire in the rafters in an earlier scene, and we find out that the entire theater is basically a vampire hive.  Ethan finds himself falling through a trap door (he never did learn to mind his surroundings) and being set upon by hungry vampires.  The entire group is overrun before long; it looks bleak for our heroes.  Until Malcolm confronts the leader vampire (not The Master! Not The Master!) and drives his cane through the monster’s heart.  At this point, all the underling vampires retreat into the darkness, Mina shows up, and they all live happily ever after.
Except they don’t.  Because, as we all figured out by now, Mina is a vampire.  She grabs Vanessa and is about to bite her, but Malcolm pulls out his fancy gun and shoots her.  As she lay writhing on the ground, she said, “I’m your daughter.”  His response of, “I already have a daughter,” echoed a conversation he and Ethan had in “Possession”.  And then he shot her in the head.

This whole interaction bothered me a little bit, if only because Malcolm and Vanessa had a conversation earlier in the episode in which he told her, “If I have to sacrifice you for Mina, I will.”  The obviousness of it all really annoyed me.  It was trying to raise the stakes in a situation in which the stakes were already plenty high.  We found out that his relentless pursuit of Mina was partially due to the guilt he felt over his son’s death.  Why did they need yet another conversation about what he would do for his daughter?  It seemed like they were really working hard to set up the whole, “I will choose my daughter over you,” storyline, only to pull the rug out from underneath us.  Only I knew he wouldn’t let Vanessa die.  They were trying to make it a more emotional moment, but it actually damped it a little for me.

Where was Dorian during all of this?  He tried to get back with Vanessa (“I gotta have that booty, gurl,”), only to have Vanessa reject him (she wasted his flavor…damn).  He cried, then he looked at the tear on his finger.  Maybe I’m heartless, but I laughed really hard at that scene.  After the credits rolled, Dorian started a harpsichord emo band and they totally ruled.  Glass Harmonica solo!

Some random thoughts:

– Ethan and Vanessa, hanging out by a brick wall, smoking the marijuana like a cigarette.  I thought Ethan was going to start talking about how the pimpin’ he got in his blood came from his family tree.  Is wolfin’ the same story?  Was the wolf gene passed down, like it was from Harold to Scott?  Or was it more of a “Jordy bit Oz” situation?  I suppose we’ll have to wait for the second season for that.

"Since been wolfin' since been wolfin' since been wolfin'."
“Since been wolfin’ since been wolfin’ since been wolfin’.”

– The scene of Ethan praying over Brona was really sweet.  I never totally bought into their relationship (mostly because we didn’t see them together very often), but I really liked that moment.

– I loved Malcolm buying automatic weapons in a secret room.  Even when Bond isn’t playing Bond he still has his own personal Q.
He also hit on a psychic and lied to her.  In a gun store.  Malcolm Murray’s game is unmatched.

– Vincent (the owner of The Grand Guignol) dropped a couple terrific lines in this episode.
“Show business.  All bitches.”And, after being forced to fire Caliban, “Remember us better than we are.”  I feel like that could’ve been the tagline for this series.

– I have no problem with Billie Piper, but she has some pretty big shoes to fill as The Bride.  Elsa Lanchester was amazing, and that’s the standard she’ll be held up to.
Her and Caliban have to move away, right?  They can’t very well allow them to roam the streets and have Ethan (or any of her former johns) run into her.

Your line to work into casual conversation this week: “The monster is not in my face, but in my soul.”

Penny Dreadful is done, but The Strain starts on July 13.  Get excited.

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Penny Dreadful, S1E7, “Possession”

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The episode opens with Vanessa lying on a couch, uttering the line, “To be beautiful is to be almost dead, isn’t it?”  Before long, she’s talking to Malcolm in her creepy Mina voice and hurling things around the room with her mind.  It’s clear that this episode will be The Eva Green Show.
And that’s perfectly fine.  I love Eva Green, and the show really sparkles when it puts her and her considerable talents on display.  From the opening scene to the closing, we were treated to yet another fantastic performance from Eva Green.  But it wasn’t just her.  Everyone turned in a great episode.
For the most part, the entire episode took place inside Malcolm’s mansion.  The demon that had resurfaced in Vanessa during her no-pants party with Dorian was out in full force, threatening to consume her completely.

The gang was trying everything they could think of to heal her, which mainly consisted of Dope Fiend Frankenstein dosing her up when things got a little wild.  And by “a little wild” I mean ripping strips of flesh off her body, biting a priest’s face off, etc.

There was a lot of talk about God in this episode.  I forgot to count, but the question, “Do you believe in God?” was brought up at least 3 times.  My favorite response came from the cynical Frankenstein: “I wish I did.  I believe in everything but God.”  Sembene’s response of “I believe in everything” was a close second.

There was some great imagery in this episode as well.  On top of the possession stuff, there was a great scene with Malcolm and Frankenstein.  As they’re talking in the den, Frankenstein finds himself playing with one of Vanessa’s tarot cards that is sitting on a table.  The scene seems to be building towards Frankenstein looking down and finding some meaningful clue in the card.  Instead, a bunch of spiders bust loose from under the cards.  Thousands of spiders, filling the room.  While they weren’t the best looking CGI spiders I’ve ever seen, it was still a great scene.  I loved the misdirection with the tarot card.
By the way, the worst CGI spiders I’ve ever seen may have been in Urban Legends: Bloody Mary, but don’t hold me to that.

All this talk of possession and spiders makes it seem like it was a completely dark episode.  Don’t get me wrong, it was extremely dark and creepy, but it also had one of the funnier moments of the series.
The only time we see Caliban in this episode, he is lurking outside a window, staring at Frankenstein.  He could be hitting up bars for women, but instead he’s stalking his maker.  Apparently The Grand Guignol was closed that night?  We don’t hear Caliban talk in this episode (thankfully), but the intent is clear.  Frankenstein, attempting to free himself from his mistake, asks Ethan for shooting lessons.  What follows is a scene of Ethan and Frankenstein shooting at bottles in the catacombs of the mansion, giggling like little kids.  When Sembene comes down to tell them to keep it down, Ethan makes a crack about “being in trouble with Dad,” and they giggle again.  It was a light and funny scene in an episode without much humor.  I really enjoyed seeing the two of them pal around.
The “Dad” comment was the second mention in this episode to the group being a family unit.  The other was Ethan calling out Malcolm for desperately seeking Mina, yet being so cold towards Vanessa.  “You’ve got a girl dying in there.  Not some monster with fangs.  You want a daughter?  There she is.”

We got a couple allusions to Ethan being a werewolf in this episode.  The first one is when Vanessa describes her demon to Ethan as something like, “an animal scratching to get out.”  The second is when Ethan threatens to rip Malcolm’s throat out.

The possession finally ends when Ethan – in lieu of killing Vanessa – holds a pendant of St. Jude to her head and screams in Latin until the demon leaves (or, at least, goes into hiding).  Upon finishing the task, he promptly grabbed his jacket and hat and walked out of the house.  It was basically the Victorian version of a mic drop.  “Chandler out.”
I know this series got picked up for another season, but I thought I remembered hearing that it will be a different story with a different cast.  With that in mind, I thought it was at least possible that Vanessa wouldn’t live to see the next episode.  The threat of her death gave an added tension to the entire episode.

I feel like I say this every week, but I loved this episode.  It had a great atmosphere, was really creepy, and had all members of the cast giving 100%.  Even though it was confined to the house, it really helped to move things along, and set up what should be a terrific finale.  There are a lot of things that need to be resolved, and I’m not sure if they’re going to be able to do that.  But this show has earned my trust.  I’ll be sad to see it go, but I’m really excited to see what this Sunday holds.

Some added notes:

There was a really sweet scene between Ethan and Vanessa, only to turn out that the Ethan Vanessa saw was really the devil.  It went from fairly heartwarming to really creepy at a moment’s notice.  A really well-done scene.  He went from smiling slyly and saying how she might fall in love with him to uttering lines like, “I want you to be the mother of evil.”

Malcolm telling Ethan, “You’re not that good,” only to have Ethan respond with, “I know.”  Not quite Han and Leia, but I’ll take it.

I loved Ethan cheering on Frankenstein’s shooting by saying, “Take it easy Annie Oakley!”

Big fan of Frankenstein carrying around a suitcase filled with all kinds of pills.  Uppers.  Downers.  Whatever you need.  He was basically Dr. Robert.

I like when the group basically forced a terrified priest into administering Vanessa’s last rites.  He turned to leave, only to have Ethan step up and put out a hand to stop him.  I really wanted him to say, “Easy there little dogie.”

Oliver Cotton played Father Matthews in this episode.  He played Jack the Ripper in Shanghai Knights.  I doubt they used that as any kind of source material, but I enjoyed that little connection between worlds.

Your line to work into casual conversation this week: “Is there anything more comical than a fat woman weeping?”

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Penny Dreadful S1E6, “What Death Can Join Together”

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I apologize on the tardiness of this.  I was out of town for the past week-and-a-half and had no way to watch this until yesterday.  I’ll have my episode 7 recap up tomorrow.

Between the flashback episode and being gone for a week, I had almost forgotten about Ethan and Dorian’s night on the town.
This episode opened with a sweet scene between Ethan The Gunfighter and Brona The Lunger.  He kissed her bloody lips and pledged to take care of her until the end of time.  When he said, “I love you with all my heart,” she responded with, “And I you.”  It was a really sweet moment.
Brona also asked Ethan where he had been the night before.  He responded simply with, “I went out with Mr. Gray,” which is the mildest possible way he could have described his evening.  I am now stealing that line for whenever I have a particularly crazy night.  (Because we accountants are known for our hard-partying lifestyles, you see.)

Dorian, meanwhile, is busy hopping from one conquest to the next.  He appears at Malcolm’s mansion in search of Vanessa, and woos her with one of my favorite exchanges of this episode.
“Do you have time for an adventure?”
“Is there any other time?”
He takes a picture of her, and they end up making a dinner date.  Dinner with Dorian only ends one way: sexytime with Dorian.  As near as I can tell, Dorian’s character description reads like this: “have sex with everything that moves.  EVERYTHING.”  I’m putting The Master on the list as Dorian’s next conquest.
But Vanessa isn’t like other girls, and the night doesn’t go quite as nicely as Dorian had planned.  In the throes of passion, Vanessa lost herself to the demon within.  She has made comments about needing to be in total control of herself to keep the darkness at bay.  In that moment, she lost control.  (I also like to think that the demon is brought on in a moment of true happiness.  Where is Jenny Calendar’s Gypsy Curse Gang when you need them?)
Eva Green has absolutely owned this show, and she has been terrific when she’s able to let the crazy out.  The episode ended with a possessed and disheveled Vanessa staggering into Malcolm’s room and promptly levitating and spinning in place.  She’s interesting because she sleeps above the covers.  Four feet above the covers.

While Vanessa is showing Dorian the darkness within, Ethan, Malcolm and Sembene decide to check out a “plague ship”.  Upon entering, they find a bunch of lifeless female bodies.  Malcolm inspects every one, looking for his beloved Mina.  “Not her.  Not her.”  I franticly shouted, “Who cares?  Kill them while they’re down!”  But it was no use.  They walked through the bodies without a care in the world.  This isn’t a field of posies, fellas.
Sure enough, the bodies all rose and attacked.  This is why you don’t walk unprepared into a nest of vampires.  Still, the three of them were able to fend off all attackers.  It was a tremendous scene.  Far and away the best action sequence of the series.
Someone kicked a lantern, and, while the ship burned, The Master emerged holding a screaming Mina and bolted.  Malcolm is still holding onto the belief that Mina can be saved, but Sembene is taking a more measured approach, ie., we’ll probably have to stake, decapitate and burn her.  For some reason, Malcolm is not overly excited about this thought.

Ethan snapped on Malcolm and dropped the line, “You’re pretty goddamn sure you know what’s going on all the time.” Through this show, Malcolm and Vanessa have been the mysterious, all-knowing entities behind all of this business, but that image is starting to crack a bit.

We get to see a bit of Frankenstein, Caliban, and Van Helsing in this episode.  I’ll tell you this much right now: Caliban is really getting on my nerves.  He’s an imposing, threatening, demanding figure around Frankenstein, but timid everywhere else.  He demands that Frankenstein make him a mate, but he doesn’t take advantage of the opportunities right in front of him.  His actress crush visits him in his lair and opens up to him, only to have him hide and not say more than two words to her.  I realize that she’s not undead, but he could have at least tried to say something to her.  Instead, he leaves her a book about Lucifer (her brother’s name, apparently) and watches from the shadows while she opens it.  As far as first moves go, it was pretty weak.
Caliban is not interested in working on anything for himself.  He wants a mate created for him.  I know dating is hard, but it’s a pretty big step from, “That girl may not like me,” to “I will be alone until someone is created specifically for me out of dead bodies.”  He wants Frankenstein to do for him what he is unwilling to do for himself.

While Caliban is totally screwing up with the actress, Frankenstein is hanging out with Van Helsing.  I love their rapport.  Very natural.  Frankenstein sees Van Helsing as a kind of father figure, and the childless Van Helsing looks upon Frankenstein as a son.  Eventually, Van Helsing educates Frankenstein about vampires by holding up a copy of “Varney, the Vampire”, a very popular penny dreadful (you can download it here) and saying, “[the author] missed the facts but caught the truth.”
Their night ends in heartbreak when Caliban shows up and snaps Van Helsing’s neck to speed up Frankenstein’s process.  That scene felt like a punch to the gut.
It’s worth noting that Frankenstein is working on creating a mate for Caliban.  Earlier in the episode, he’s scouting potential female bodies to use.  Try asking a question every now and then, Caliban.

I really liked this episode.  Where the last couple felt like they were running in quicksand, this episode really seemed to move things forward.  I’m really excited to see what the last two episodes have in store.

A final note:

Frankenstein drops a Percy Shelley line (“No more let life divide what death can draw together”), which led me to look into the timeline.  As you’re no doubt aware, it was Mary Shelley who wrote Frankenstein, and now her creation is quoting works from her husband.  It was all very meta.  Anyway, I wanted to see when the pieces were written.  Mary’s Frankenstein was originally published in 1818, and Percy’s Adonais – the poem the line was taken from – was published in 1821.  So Frankenstein would have been in existence when Percy Shelley wrote that line.  Good to know.

Your line to work into casual conversation this week: “The dead travel fast.”

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TWD S4, E15; Us

Robert Kirkman has been teasing/warning us that the last two episodes of this season were going to be full of action and cliffhangers; well, he wasn’t kidding. I am still having a hard time getting past the knowledge that Cobra dude is after Rick. Carol is not going to be the one to decide where Daryl’s loyalty lies; Rick is.  Now, THAT is an interesting turn of events. Perhaps I should back up, though.

We have seen so little of Abraham, yet, he already feels like a really solid member of the team. I enjoyed his observation and commentary regarding Ponytail and where her loyalties are and why she has placed them there.  Again, thank you to the writers for including a gay character without fanfare. She’s gay; so what.  It was nice to see Eugene not have a negative, macho reaction to this news either. He still fancies her. While I understand why Ponytail feels obligated to help Glen find Maggie, I really don’t see how that will ultimately clear her kharma, but I also don’t want to see Glen go it alone.

Glen, Glen, Glen…… who would have ever thought that you would become the man that you are now? I always knew you were a good guy, but I never dreamed that you would be the one in riot gear looking for your wife. I almost lost it when I saw that look on your face when you had proof that Maggie was still alive. After that, there was no stopping you; come hell or high water, you were going to find your wife. Wow! You didn’t stop there, though; you absolved Ponytail of her guilt and even covered for her later. Between Rick, Daryl, Glen and , hell, even Merle, the Zombie Apocalypse sure does seem to make the real men rise to the surface.  When Glen hit that barricade in the tunnel, he didn’t give up, he just started checking the trapped walkers to make sure that none of them were Maggie. Did that not break anyone else’s heart?  Of course Glen was NOT going to leave Ponytail behind! What  was his reward? Maggie!!! I never thought that the Walking Dead would make me cry because I was happy. I really had no idea how invested I was in Glen and Maggie until they finally found one another. I’m going to assume that was our last moment of true happiness until next season.


So, Eugene looks like a poor man’s Jack Burton and speaks in a southern monotone; I didn’t know that it was possible to speak that way. He seems meek and then he tells people that he’s going to save the world. This is a really grandiose thing to say. I love that Abraham has complete faith in this statement and his military training makes it that much easier for him to move forward based on this “knowledge”, but does he have proof? Despite Eugene’s ability to find the other end of the tunnel just in time, I am still mildly suspiscious of his abilities reargding saving the world. However, I do agree with him that going to Termius is the most logical thing at this point.

Let’s talk about Daryl; but not too much. I have negative patience for this group of “men” and their “claimed” nonsense. It is just so juvenile and stupid. It’s like the Zombie Apocalypse version of Duck Duck Goose. Normally, I don’t condone beating a man to death, but that jerkface had it coming. Listen Daryl, you know this is the wrong crowd to be hanging with; just leave. Please, for the love of Beth, leave before you realize that they are looking for Rick. Oh, and there is no need to refer to Rick as a “walking piece of fecal matter”.


Some of our group has finally arrived at Terminus. They didn’t find it at all strange that such a well kept place had only ONE human to greet them? Is everyone inside singing Kumbaya? Twitter exploded with allegations of cannibals in regards to Terminus. At this point, I think that we can all agree that nothing would be shocking in this new world, but if they are cannibals, I do hope it’s the kind that is led by Danny McBride and his gimp.  I’m not ready to go the full cannibal route just yet, but there is definitely something up at Terminus; I’m thinking more along the lines of Jim Jones, Charles Manson and Heaven’s Gate. Kool-Aid, LSD and Nike’s for everyone!!!


Allegedly, the season finale is going to be very rough and leave us with one of the worst cliff hangers to date. After seeing the tiny bit of previews, I am overly concerned about Rick. Part of me says, “It’s O.K., they won’t kill the main character”, but I don’t really believe that. I think Rick, Daryl, Michonne and Carl are all on the potential chopping block. Let’s not forget about Beth. Will we find out anything about her at all next week or will we be forced to wait until next season? Or, wait for it,….is Beth the main course at the Terminus welcome party? Perhaps that was the goal of the well stocked funeral home.

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Still; TWD, S4,E12

Alright, so here it is. We finally got our Daryl centric episode. It does feel as if they saved it for last in order to keep all of the Daryl fans on their feet. Just like the two episodes that proceeded it, this was a character driven episode and light on action. As Daryl and Beth navigate through the wilderness of Georgia,they encounter numerous Walker obstacles and try to learn to get along with one another.

When Daryl and Beth jumped into the trunk of that car, it almost seemed natural. They were in a tight spot and, as always, Daryl quickly assessed the situation and found the best solution. The Elmore Leonard fan in me was hoping for an Out Of Sight moment in that trunk, but Daryl seems especially non verbal lately. Good ol’ Daryl; just skinning a snake, eating it like a meaty corn on the cob in front of the campfire like a little caveman! After the takedown of the prison, Daryl seems to have retreated back into his original version. He has a bad attitude and the stink face to match. There is no talking from him; only grunting and long looks of disapproval. Beth behaves the way young women behave, which is to say, she is easily lead by her emotions. For whatever reason, Beth has decided that she needs a drink. A proper drink. I can’t say that I blame her, but it also seems entirely stupid and immature to traverse this new zombie wonderland in the pursuit of a smart cocktail. Conveniently, they stumble upon a golf course because golfers like to booze it up in their polos and pastel pants.

Beth gets lucky straight away and finds a bottle of wine only to break it over a walker’s head. Silly girl. As she fumbles her way out of the situation, she gives Daryl grief for not helping her even though she just informed him that she doesn’t need any help. This whole business with the women proclaiming that they don’t require assistance from men and then automatically expecting it when the shit hits the fan is becoming boring and infuriatingly stereotypical. Especially when Beth just stands there and watches Daryl take on walker after walker. She just stands there!!!!! In her new outfit. Way to get blood on her new outfit Daryl. Thanks for nothing!! Thank goodness she finally found a bottle of alcohol; too bad it was Peach Schnapps.

This episode was clearly Daryl’s backstory vehicle. Up until now we had only a tiny glimpse into his past when he hallucinated Merle and made an ear necklace. Seeing as how everyone, the viewers and all of the characters on the show, want to know more about Daryl, this episode was a long time coming. When he finds the purse with the money, he pounces on it and starts collecting it as though his life depends upon it. Clearly, there is no need for money anymore, so, this just seemed like some of his reflexive behavior surfacing. We have deduced that Merle was not necessarily the awesome big brother that he should have been, so, it’s not out of the realm of possibilities to assume Daryl may have a delinquent past. However, when this assumption is brought to life during Beth’s drinking game, it is not appreciated. This whole time, everyone has treated Daryl as a former felon or poor white trash or an uneducated backwoods, moonshine drinking buffoon or all of the above. Even when they were praising him and counting on him to bail them out, they still asked him if he used to be a motorcycle repairman or a detective; anything that is perceived as extremely manly and not necessarily requiring sensitivity. Even though he’s the only one who didn’t give up on Sophia, Carol and Michonne seem to be the only ones who could truly see him for the man that he is. He is imperfect, but he is trying his hardest to be better everyday. Not everyone on this show can say the same thing for themselves. Ultimately, I really enjoyed Daryl’s breakdown. He deserved it and it was heartbreaking to realize that he had been carrying the weight of the world on his well developed shoulders. Daryl feels responsible for The Governor because he stopped looking for him. This means he feels responsible for the destruction of the prison and for the death of Hershel. Daryl, the neo-nazi that nobody cared for, he is the one who pulls through and rarely lets his emotions guide him.
All that being said, this episode was a wee bit slow and mildly irritating. This was the Rick and Carl episode with Daryl and Beth taking over the roles. Beth is young and I understand that she wants to throw a tantrum, but this was just unnecessary. I could have sworn they were setting her up to be the new Hershel, so, what is with all of the attitude? Girl, please, Daryl is not the kind of man that you act out with;he isn’t going to react. The fact that this episode didn’t get as much hatred as Rick and Carl’s episode speaks to Daryl’s popularity because let’s be honest; this episode was just as slow. I, personally, enjoy the character driven episodes because this is a drama, after all. I just find it endlessly fascinating that as long as Daryl is in an episode, people are happy.

So, where do we go from here? If the groups don’t start finding one another or make it to Terminus or Washington, I might lose patience. Precisely how long can a show go on about people walking around? I need an endpoint:a goal. I need to be reminded why I always vote for the Ricktatorship, why I secretly love the tiny serial killer, why I care so much about these characters and why I look forward to seeing them every Sunday. Let’s hope Beth’s words are as prophetic as they sounded; I would like to see Daryl Dixon be the last man standing.