Archives Articles Scarina's Weekly Roundup

Scarina’s Weekly Roundup: 11/10/14

The Worst Game of “Would You Rather…?” Ever

So would you rather deal with one, giant, Shelob spider or over a million little spiders?  The Baltimore Wastewater Treatment Plant got to play this fun game when they put out a call for extreme spider help.  I guess the spiders were really into snowboarding and drinking Surge.


That fluffy white stuff isn’t cotton candy.  The spider web was almost 4 acres long and had a very conservative estimate of 107 million spiders.  Some areas had a spider population density of 35,176 spiders per cubic meter.  The webbing pulled a light fixture out of place.  An EIGHT FEET LONG light fixture.  It’s not uncommon for multiple spider species to band together and make megawebs but the fact that the word “megaweb” even exists makes me so uncomfortable.



That’s a Way to Get Attention

The Swedish amusement park, Gröna Lund, has released a hilarious video of a poster prank for its latest attraction, House of Nightmares which is opening in 2015.

The description from their website states, “You stand in front of a desolate and abandoned house. No one knows what to expect there, but one thing is certain – something evil lurking in the darkness. The nightmare experiment was performed once by the mythical Dr. Morphio is alive and haunts the house’s every nook. Dare you enter Dr. Morphios House of Nightmares and face your worst nightmares?”

Watch the video here!


“American Psycho” Is so Passé

Rurik Jutting, a Brittish banker who recently worked at Merrill Lynch, was arrested in Hong Kong for a murder spree allegedly inspired by American Psycho.


I guess he didn’t get the memo about the Patrick Bateman workout.

Hong Kong police found a dead woman stuffed in a suitcase on the balcony of his apartment and a second woman dying in his living room.  Sadly, she succumbed to her wounds.

There were clues that something wasn’t right with him, his email autoreply was, “I am out of the office. Indefinitely. For urgent enquiries, or indeed any enquiries, please contact someone who is not an insane psychopath.”



I Want Your Skull!  I Need Your Skull!


A Stamford, Connecticut family recently came forward to claim 2 skulls found at a dump, believing them to be the skulls of their deceased grandparents.  Their grandparents were interred in a mausoleum at St. Michael’s Cemetery but their remains were stolen a decade ago.

The skulls were found mixed in with the belongings of the recently deceased Robert Devitto, along with books about Satan and witchcraft.  Devitto’s father, also named Robert, said that his son purchased the skulls legally and paid thousands of dollars for them.  The skulls are currently being tested to see if they’re a match.



You Moved the Cemetery but Left the Bodies!

Hat tip to Anne Rice for pointing out this old but still good story from my favorite city.

Vincent Marcello got the surprise of a lifetime when he planned to add a pool to his French Quarter condo.  Knowing that his condo on North Rampart and Toulouse Streets was on land from the city’s first burial ground, he hired an archaeologist to double check the land.  They found coffins four feet down, fifteen of them to be exact.  Fifteen waterlogged coffins were removed to study the remains.

I’m still not sure I’d get into that pool, I’ve seen Poltergeist.



With a Name like that What Else Could He Be?


Images have been released documenting the home of alleged murderer and self-proclaimed Satanist Pazuzu Algarad and it’s not a pretty picture.  Apparently, the place was littered with trash, excrement, and animal carcasses.  Algarad is accused of killing a man and burying him in his backyard.


Archives Posts

Scarina’s Weekly Roundup: 11/4/14

Now that’s my Kind of Vacation!

Cemetery tourist Loren Rhoads has just released a book about her travels, Wish You Were Here: Adventures in Cemetery Travel.

The former editor of Morbid Curiosity magazine shares her adventures and tips touring the world’s cemeteries.

My particular favorites are St. Paul’s and Trinity Churchyard in Lower Manhattan.  City life continues around these islands of serenity that or filled with some amazing tombstones, like this one.



And the Creeper of the Year Award Goes To…

He’s a famous historian.  He speaks 13 languages.  And he’s going to spend the rest of his life in a psychiatric hospital for unearthing the graves of 29 children and turning them into dolls.

Anatoly Moskvin was arrested in 2011 for desecrating graves in Nizhny Novgorod, a town about 250 miles east of Moscow.  Investigators found the mummified bodies of children in his apartment.  Moskvin would dress them, put lipstick on their faces, and put music boxes in their ribcages.



Is it More Accurate than Sylvia Brown?
A new iOS app is giving people the creeps.  Deadline uses a quiz and your Healthkit information to generate a time that counts down to your time of death.


That isn’t mine, by the way.  I was considering downloading it but the overwhelming amount of one star reviews was off-putting.  I guess it’s back to the old-fashioned method of asking the Ouija board when I’ll die.



Ghouls Just Want to Have Fun

Police in Beijing are warning Halloween revelers that ride the subway, if you “insist on getting on the subway, or the chaos is serious and causes a stampede or other public safety incident, the police will deal with it severely in accordance with the law.”

For the past several years, expats have been organizing Halloween parties on subway Line 2.  They’d dress up in costume and bring beer and mixed drinks.  This sounds like just another day in New York City.  Halloween isn’t celebrated in China and Beijing is trying to clean up its image before hosting the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation conference next month.  This includes getting Spider-Man off of the train.  You know Peter Parker always hops the turnstile.



That Explains the Smell

Have you ever wondered what happened in your house before you lived there?  In California, deaths in houses for sale or rent must be disclosed but three years is as far back as it has to go.  So your house could have been a serial killer’s lair and you might never have known it until now.  Died in House is a service that, for $14.99, uses an algorithm to scour any records and see who died in your house and of what.

This sounds useful but as a mortuary student, I have to tell you that about eighty years ago, almost everyone died at home.  So if your house is of a certain age you should just assume that it’s known corpses.


Archives Posts

Scarina’s Weekly Roundup: 10/20/14

Fashion Kills

The Bata Shoe Museum in Toronto recently had an exhibit about the perils of Victorian fashion called “Fashion Victims: The Perils and Pleasures of Dress in the 19th Century.”

Nowadays, we worry about people developing anorexia and plastic surgery addictions, but try wearing a dress made of arsenic.  The world had no colorfast green dye until Carl Wilhelm Scheele mixed copper with arsenic.  Suddenly, Scheele’s Green was everywhere—in dresses on wallpaper—and people were literally swooning for it, as it tended to overcome people with it vapors.  There were other consequences.


That’s a lithograph of someone’s hands and the effects of arsenic dyes.

Aside from this deadly green, the tulles that were popular at the time were causing women to go up in flames if they got too close to a candle.  Even ballerinas were bursting in flames if they got too close to the footlights.  More info about the exhibit can be found at;

Source, including pictures;


Buffy Visits Bulgaria

Bulgarian archaeologist, Nikolai Ovcharov, who’s known as the Indiana Jones of Bulgaria, has unearthed a vampire grave.


Sadly, this isn’t a real vampire (I think).  The unfortunate man was buried with part of an iron ploughshare driven through their chest to keep him from rising from the dead and tormenting the living.  This kind of treatment was usually reserved for those who died suspicious deaths, like suicides.

This is the third grave like this discovered in Bulgaria.  Has Buffy been to the land of Viktor Krum?



Not Clowning Around!

The organization Clowns of America International has a bone to pick with American Horror Story creator Ryan Murphy.


Glenn Kohlberger, the president of the organization, says that “Hollywood makes money by sensationalizing the norm.”  He may be a professional clown but, where I come from, clowns are so not the norm!  According to Clowns of America International, shows like American Horror Story contribute to fear of clowns.  In this writer’s opinion, clowns don’t need any help, they’re scary all by themselves.



Blood-stained Cheerleading Costume too Much

An angry mum in the U.K. is demanding a store remove its bloodstained cheerleader costume.


Sheila Pinney of Bristol was upset that her four-year-old child saw it and she had to explain what it was.  She even put up a petition on to have them removed, which is now up to about a hundred signatures.

Just so we’re clear, ghosts, skeletons, and zombies are fine, but dead cheerleader is unacceptable?



Haunted House Benefit

Summerwind, originally known as the Lamont Mansion, was featured on the ghost documentary “A Haunting.”  I guess the cobwebs and blood-dripping walls could use a little sprucing up.

The mansion, in West Bay Lake, Wisconsin, was struck by lightning two years after the current owner bought it for his wife.  The plan is to rebuild it according to its original blueprints.  Those who get involved will have a chance to have their name engraved on a wall inside the house, which seems like a great way to have a ghost follow you home.

Interested in helping?  There’s more info here.

Ta ta for this week and stay weird,


Archives Posts

Scarina’s Weekly Roundup

Toynbee Tiles are Back!

Have you noticed something different about the streets this summer?  I snapped a picture of this Toynbee Tile in my hometown of Newark.  Other people have started spotting them again in New York City.

Toynbee Tile

These tiles first started making an appearance in Philadelphia in the 1980s and have been spotted as far away as Chile.  They all bear a similar message about resurrecting the dead on Jupiter.  The theory is that they could refer to Ray Bradbury’s story “The Toynbee Convector.”  Or, they could be about Arnold J. Toynbee, a historian that at one point wrote about the possibility of physical resurrection after death.  Finally, since some of the tiles mention Stanley Kubrick, some people think they refer to 2001: A Space Odyssey and the portal outside of Jupiter.

So, who the hell is making these things?  No one really knows.  The man who was thought to be the creator, James Morasco, but he died in 2003.  Some of the tiles come with instructions on how to make more so it looks like he spawned some copycats.

For more pictures of the NYC tiles;


A Hair-Raising Rollercoaster Ride

A rollercoaster in North Yorkshire, UK, decapitated a deer, covering the riders in blood.  They should really put up a sign if there’s going to be a splash zone.

The ride was closed for thirty minutes while they cleaned up the mess.



Is that the voice of your Conscience in your Ear?

Or is that just your cricket?  An unidentified man in India went to the doctor for discomfort in one of his ears.  The doctor filmed himself removing a damn cricket from the man’s ear.  Watch the video yourself and never sleep again!



And, Speaking of Things you don’t Want to Find in You

Have you ever freaked out when you blew your nose and there was a little blood with your boogers?  Well, you have nothing more to complain about because Daniela Liverani, 24, has you beat.  The Edinburgh native started having frequent nosebleeds after returning from a backpacking trip through Vietnam.  She attributed them to a motorbike crash she recently had until she saw a leech poking out of her nostril when she was in the shower.  Daniela went to Edinburgh’s Royal Infirmary where a friend and the doctors held her down and yanked the leech out of her nose.  She described it as big long as her forefinger but as thick as her thumb.  Daniela sees the humor in the situation and named it Mr. Curly for the way he curled up in her nasal cavity.  That’s almost cute.  Wait, no it’s not.



Heeeeeeeere’s Johnny!

Have you ever tried the silent treatment on your significant other?  Maybe you should reconsider it.  Tammy Hiser, 34, attacked her boyfriend with an ax for clamming up during an argument about her drinking.  They were at a hotel so this raises two questions; was she at The Overlook and where did she get the axe?  Her boyfriend got the ax away and Tammy was arrested.
