Hello folks,
Welcome to the beta version of the new horror-writers.
Here’s Changelog 1.0 from the previous version.
We’re now going forward with the Disqus commenting system. We’ve had a lot of people ask us to turn commenting back on and after researching it, this seems like the best way to weed out spam and let our readers comment on our articles. Commenting doesn’t seem to work on all old articles at the moment but it will be active on any article posted after this.
ALL LINKS WORK NOW. I noticed that previously clicking on anything in the nav menu took you to a dead link. That problem has been fixed.
Updated team sections are coming shortly. Those should be up within the week. There are a lot of new writers on the website so I’m just in the “data collection” process.
Nav menu still isn’t done. It’s slightly better than it used to be and it’s much tighter but I’ve been having some problems implementing a great design idea I got from Renfield. So as soon as I’m able to sort that out I’ll get it up.
There seems to be a bug with the “Recent Articles” section on the side. Clicking on anything in the nav menu breaks it but clicking on an actual article seems to restore it. I have no idea why this is happening but I’ve spend about a day and a half trying to fix it. I’ll keep plugging away until it’s fixed.
If you notice any more bugs then please let us know.
I’m a decent coder but a terrible designer so if you notice anything about the new design that seems hard to follow please leave me some feedback.
I tried simplifying a lot of it and add a classic(but not tacky) feel to the layout. I think I’ve succeeded but I’m still not sold on the overall color scheme. Thoughts and suggestions are always welcome.
We’re still running in WordPress but I’m also working on a node.js version that won’t be ready for another few months(same design, WAY LESS LOADING TIME)
I know some are probably wondering “Why release a beta version?”
The answer is to gather as much reader feedback as possible so that I can tweak this until we get it right. I want people who come to this website to
a) Have an easy time finding things.
b) Have a design that is nice on the eyes
c) Enjoy themselves and meet other horror lovers (hence Disqus)
All of that being said, welcome to the Beta for the new Horror-Writers. Thank you all for being on this ride for the last year and a half and I’m anxious to make this one of the best looking websites currently out there.